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What are the types of xenon lamp weathering test chambers?


What are the types of xenon lamp weathering test chambers?


The sample of the tester is regular, and the water-cooled type (such as flake, strip) is recommended for samples with a relatively small size; the air-cooled type is recommended for irregular samples, which are relatively large and difficult to sample.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the water-cooled xenon lamp weathering test chamber?

Advantages: The lamp tube of the water-cooled xenon lamp is installed in the middle of the equipment, and it is installed vertically. The turntable with the sample rotates around the lamp tube. The advantage is that the distance between each sample and the lamp tube is equal, which ensures that each sample is irradiated with the same radiation intensity, which is very comparable.

Disadvantages: The volume of the turntable installation equipment is relatively large, and it is equipped with cold water equipment and pure water system, so the price is relatively expensive. In addition, the use of consumables: water-cooled xenon lamp is also expensive.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the air-cooled xenon lamp weather test chamber?

Advantages: The lamp tube of the air-cooled xenon lamp is installed above the inner box of the equipment. It is installed horizontally. The sample holder is installed in the middle of the inner box. The distance from the lamp tube can be adjusted according to the size of the sample. Its advantage is simple structure and testing. Larger space is suitable for testing samples with irregular sizes. The price is relatively affordable.

Disadvantages: The distance between the sample in the inner box and the lamp tube is not equal, or the sample placed in the corner receives weak radiation, so it is necessary to suspend the test and adjust the sample placement position.

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